Beth Mersman
Beth has been in the real estate business since 1998. She is married to JD, has one daughter, Alicia, a granddaughter, Zoey, a grandson, Liam, and two adorable labs, Hallie and Lizzie. Beth enjoys fishing, gardening, the local dinner theater, storm spotting, spending time with friends, family and her dogs, going to concerts and listening to music. She is a volunteer with Cornstock, Anderson County Emergency Management, Anderson County Community Emergency Response Team, Garnett Fire Department Auxiliary, Red Cross, Garnett Planning and Zoning and Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors. Beth has had the honor of being recognized as being in the top 30 Realtors in Kansas for number of transactions for the last few years... #13 in 2023! And, #730 in the nation in 2023 also! She is a multi-million dollar producer with experience in selling residential, commercial, multi-dwelling, and vacant lots and land properties. Beth prides herself on guiding her clients, both sellers and buyers, through the real estate transaction process with care and attention. Her commitment will continue throughout the transaction and beyond. She maintains the high standards exemplified in the National Association of Realtors Code of Ethics. Beth looks forward to paving the road to your happiness!
Please contact me for any of your real estate needs. Simply fill out the form below and I'll return your message as soon as possible.